Monday, December 13, 2010

7 months...aww shucks!

So, it's been  couple of weeks since my first post. I've been really busy.Baby showers, Thanksgiving, parties and so on..But I'm back, and hopefully my next post will be more current. So the little bambino will 7 months tomorrow! He thinks he's a big boy, crawling and standing on his own. But the one thing that comes with getting older is the baby man gas. Oh my goodness, this little boy has some grown up, real man gas. Since he's started to eat solids, he diapers have been fierce and the gas is just a pre cursor for what to expect when we change him.Of course he thinks it's soo funny when we're changing his diaper and making exagerrated faces in the process, but I can take it. He's growing up so fast. (sniff sniff, tear, tear). His first Thanksgiving and now Christmas! Of course we had to get his Holiday pictures taken. This is the time to Cherish....